About Us

Leotek Inspections and Training Services (LEOTEK) is a Dubai based independent third party inspection service providing company.

We are accredited in accordance to the requirements of ISO/IEC 17020:2012 by EIAC (Emirates International Accreditation Centre formerly Conformity Assessment Accreditation Department at Dubai Municipality).

We are also having the technical and occupational skills training permit from Knowledge & Human Development Authority, KHDA - Dubai.

We also provide consultancy services with Expert Reports, Investigation Reports and short and long term engagement Quality Engineer/HSE Officers for your specific requirements.

We are committed to provide exemplary service, impartially and be your third eye...

We at LEOTEK are a team of well experienced professionals in fields of Construction, Commercial and Residential buildings, Oil and Gas, Manufacturing and Fabrication plants, Steel sectors and accordingly we provide our Consultancy, Engineering and expert reports, feasibility studies, inspections and services to all these above mentioned fields and further including Quality, Health, Safety and Environment management.

We are an independent entity and does not form part of any other legal entities. Hence, we do not have any conflict of interest and our services are truly impartial. We follow established international standards and procedures as basis of our services along with our hard-earned subject matter expertise. 

 Our Vision

To be a trustworthy and leading organization providing exemplary consultancy, Third-party Inspections and Testing services in the field of Quality, Health, Safety and Environment (QHSE) Management.

 Our Mission

To provide quality services to customers in a cost-effective way in compliance with established international standards, procedures along with statutory and regulatory requirements in the field of Quality, Health, Safety and Environment (QHSE) Management.